
Identifying queer gothicism in 19th century adaptations


19th Century Creations August 2018-December 2018

A running blog on the interaction between Romantic era and Gothic era works in conjunction with digital tools and platforms, and looking at the relationship between authors and their creations during the 19th Century in British Literature.

Addresses the approach to 19th Century British Literature via technological means such as multimodal storytelling, textual analysis and visualization, and more.

May also consult:

  • Adaptions

  • Characterization

  • Gender/Sexuality

  • And more

Digital Humanities IRL January 2018-may 2018

A running blog on the interaction between story and gaming culture, and the implications of Digital Humanities as part of this relationship. Some of the topics covered include, but are not limited to:

  • Identity

  • Dissemination of text

  • Radicalism

  • Player emotional interaction

  • Culture